
Adelaide's Gilding services offered by the Gilded Mirror include all aspects of gilding , from restoration, architectural and new work commissions.


Gilding is an ancient art that has played an important part in the artistic development of many civilisations. It is the process by which the use of any gold, silver, bronze or copper like material, including real gold is applied to a surface.


Traditionally, gold finishes were the most commonly used, however contemporary tastes often favour varying silver tones from an aged pewter to bright silver.


Combined finishes using both paint and gilded highlights can be very effective also.


A full frame restoration service is available, covering the structural integrity of the frame, replacement and repair of decorative mouldings to the final finish restoration.

Centre Scroll Detail

Copper Leafed Sculpture Restoration

Restored 19th Century French Oval Framed Mirror

Detail Of Silvered Wall Mirror Frame

Antique Frame Being Cleaned And Repaired

Bespoke Frame Prepared Prior To Gilding

Antique Oval Frame Being Silver Leafed

Circular ‘Porthole’ Mirror Being Gilded